Kanarraville, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information on the population of Kanarraville, Texas, you've come to the right place. Keep reading for the latest data on Kanarraville's residents. We'll look at its income, age, and ethnicity. Its 97.0% white population is made up of 2.1% black people, 0.9% Hispanic, and 0.9% Two or more races. The city has an overall low poverty rate, with 5.0% of residents living below the poverty line. The child poverty rate is a low 0.0%, and 3.6% of the households are considered to be below the poverty line.

The percent of households that are married is lower in Kanarraville than in neighboring cities, according to the census. Only 4% of households are headed by a single parent, making Kanarraville Utah's divorce rate amongst its neighbors the highest in the state. But it doesn't mean that a single person is a bad thing; married couples are more likely to have children in Kanarraville.

The percentage of people living in poverty in Kanarraville, UT is lower than the national average. Those in the lower income category are more likely to be farmers and ranchers, but people living in this area make less than average salaries. The median gross rent is $770 a month. Despite the low income level, there is plenty of opportunity in the area. Attractive properties and abundant outdoor recreation make the community a great place to live.