Magna, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets of Magna City, Utah are listed below. You can find out about the average household size and median age in Magna City by reading a few articles written by local residents. You can also learn about the poverty rate in Magna City by viewing the area's chart below. This information will help you decide if living in Magna is right for you. A good place to start is by visiting the city's website.

Population and Steets in Magna City, Utah are diverse. The population is comprised of seventy-four percent white people and just 0.7% black and Asian people. The Hispanic population makes up 19.7% of the population. The median household income in Magna is $47,984. The average household income in Magna is $55,243. The median age is 34.4 years. Magna has a high school graduation rate of 64 percent.

People in Magna, Utah are older than in the rest of the United States. The median age in Magna is 30.7 years, a full 7.2 years younger than the United States average of 37.9 years. And, a staggering 32.9% of Magna residents are single, compared to just one-third of U.S. adults in that age range. Similarly, a small percentage of Magna citizens are veterans.

The Census of Population & Steets in Magns city includes a catchment area. With this information, you can choose a suburb in Magna City, or use it for other purposes. For example, if you are looking to buy a house, you may want to research nearby suburbs. The area's population size and economic development are also useful for determining employment. If you are in the process of buying a house, you may want to consider purchasing property in Magna.