North Ogden, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a brief overview of the Population & Steets in North-Ogden City. These numbers are based on the most recent data available from the City of North Ogden. These numbers may change, so check with the city for the latest data. To find out more, read on! - How Does the City's Tax System Work? - How Much the City Gets

The town was originally named Brownsville, after the founder of the town, Captain James Brown. However, in 1847, Mormons purchased the land and renamed it Brownsville. Eventually, the town's name changed to Ogden, honoring Peter Skene Ogden, leader of the Hudson's Bay Company's trapping brigade. The city owes its current name to this explorer and his son Samuel Ogden.

The town's population peaked at 600 on February 1, 1934. The town's first mayor, David Gilbert Randall, was elected to lead the city's civic affairs. The town's cemetery, known at one time as North Ogden, was known as Union Cemetery until 1953. Ben Lomond Cemetery was eventually established. A few years later, the town was renamed North Ogden.

The city's population was spread out among different age groups. Twenty-eight percent of the population was under the age of eighteen. Twenty-four percent of the population was aged between 25-44, while 11.3% of residents were 65 and over. The median age of the city was 29 years old, and the male to female ratio was 102.3. Despite its small size, North Ogden City has a diverse population.