Averill, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How do you find the Population & Steets of Averill City, Georgia? The United States Census Bureau publishes demographic data about the city every year, and updates these statistics whenever new data is available. You should always verify the accuracy and completeness of the data before using it. Listed below are the current population and steets of Averill City, Georgia.

The population of Averill is approximately 15 people. The average household size is three. The median home value is $193,750. The median household size is three. The estimated population of Averill is projected to decline by -11.1% by 2050. The median household income is $32,500. There are a few characteristics that distinguish the residents of this community. The high school graduation rate is 100%, and 67% of college graduates do not pursue advanced degrees.

The average age of residents is fifty-two. This is slightly higher than the national average, at 56.4% for males and forty-three percent for females. There is a very large number of veterans in Averill City, NY. There is a disproportionately high number of African-American residents in the city. These residents are likely to be low-income. Averill City, NY is home to many veterans who served in the Vietnam War.

The median household income is $26,397, with a little more than half of the residents not having completed high school. The average income is $28,488. The median income in Averill City is $21,566. Averill Park is one of the largest cities in New York. In 2016, twenty-three percent of the residents were renters. This number is slightly lower than that of nearby cities, such as Cheshire, New York.