Bridgewater Corners, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Have you ever wondered about the Population & Steets in Bridge water Corners City? Fortunately, there are some helpful resources online that will give you more information on this city and the people who live there. The information below is compiled from a variety of sources. You can also read our detailed Bridgewater Corners City, MA demographic report to learn more about this city's population and its history.

During the 2000 Census, the population of Bridgewater Corners City was 2,038, or one of the most stable cities in Massachusetts. The town is home to a wide variety of housing types, from single family dwellings to condominiums and nine-unit buildings. The housing stock is dominated by single-family houses, which comprise 60.8% of all Bridgewater households. The number of four-person households and nine-unit structures was significantly lower, at 2.8% and 3% respectively.

The racial makeup of Bridgewater Corners City is diverse. Its median age is 29.7 years old, which is lower than the median age of the neighboring communities in Plymouth County. However, the city's average age is still relatively young compared to the average population of other communities in the region. While the area's median age is 39.6 years, Bridgewater's population is aging at a faster rate. The city's Two or More Races population grew by 50.4% from 2000 to 2010, while the Black or African-American population increased by 27.5%. The City's Asian population grew from 271 to 328 in 2010, a modest but steady growth from the decade before.

Until the mid twentieth century, Bridgewater was largely a farming community. With the demise of factories and farms, the town's population grew, as did its economic base. Its telecommunications, financial, and pharmaceutical industries. As a result, the city is popular with New York City commuters. A recent study conducted by Princeton University shows that the population of Bridgewater is more than double what it was in the 1960s.