East Barre, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know the population of East Barre City? This article has the answer! Check out the latest Census data to learn more about East Barre City's demographics. Here, you will find out the number of people who live in East Barre and where they come from. The following table shows the racial breakdown of East Barre. While many people are of French descent, there are people of German and Irish ancestry as well.

The area around East Barre City was originally known as Wildersburgh. This area encompassed the land west of the New Hampshire Grants and east of New York. In 1788, Samuel Rogers, John Goldsbury, and their families moved to Barre from the surrounding area. The new community was named after these pioneers. The new residents were mainly from New York, who had settled here in the late 1700s.

The median home value in East Barre is $219,200. Most residents commute to work using a vehicle. The average commute time is 22.9 minutes. A smaller percentage of residents has to travel over 45 minutes to get to work. Most residents of East Barre have a bachelor's degree, with less than 10% having a master's degree. The percentage of people with a college degree is significantly lower than the national average.

QuickFacts contains data for all 50 states, cities, and counties. The data on these three levels are not comparable with the same geographic level because of differences in sampling and methodology. The QuickFacts icons are located on each row in the TABLE view. Click on them to see information about sampling error. The "vintage" refers to the final year of the series. Different vintage years may not be comparable, so look for the appropriate year in the data for East Barre.