East Burke, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a list of facts and figures regarding the Population & Steets of East Burke City, Vermont. This information is useful in identifying the characteristics of a community. The information is organized by race and ethnicity. The population of East Burke City is most diverse among Black and White residents. The minority race, Other, makes up the least number of residents below the poverty line. Other is the least likely race to live in poverty in East Burke, with NaN% of the population living below that level.

The largest racial and ethnic group is White, followed by Black and Native American. While the number of non-US citizens in East Burke, VT is low, there are still many residents who qualify for free or reduced-price government assistance. While only a small percentage of people in East Burke, VT are unemployed, the number of people in poverty is considerably higher. In fact, the population of East Burke is nearly half black and half white.