East Hardwick, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How Safe is East Hardwick City? How safe is East Hardwick compared to other cities in Vermont? The table below outlines a comparison of the crime rates of the city's population with those of its neighboring cities. In terms of crime per 1,000 residents, East Hardwick is safer than the average for Vermont and the country. The murder rate is much lower in the city's east part than it is in its northeast section, which may make it seem more unsafe than it actually is.

Population & Steets in East-Hardwick City

Poverty rate is a good indicator of how poor a city is. The lower the number, the better. Hardwick has a higher poverty rate than other cities in Vermont. If you're interested in seeing more of the city, try looking for cities that are within 100 miles of East Hardwick, VT. You can use this information to plan a trip to East Hardwick, VT.

Census data for East Hardwick City include the racial makeup of the city. The majority race is shown as the color of the population. The darker shades represent a higher racial percentage. The map also includes ethnic groups, religion, and household composition. A map of the diversity of the population in East Hardwick City can be found on the Census page. While you can't find the exact numbers for East Hardwick City, the information is available for your reference.