East Middlebury, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can find out the Population & Steets in East Midbury City with these stats. You can also find the most recent demographics data, like the number of people living in this zip code and how many people work in East Middlebury. The population of this city is made up of about 4200 people, with 54% of the population being female and 46% being male. The median age of this community is 22.9 years, and 75% are between 18 and 64 years old. The population is mostly White and African American, with 9% of the population being black or Hispanic.

While Middlebury has a rural mindset, it also boasts access to major thoroughfares. This makes it an ideal commuter's city. There is also Middlebury State Airport, which is a private airport. If you're planning to move to East Middlebury, there are a few things to keep in mind. Among these is the cost of living. The median home price is $247,100.

This town's population is 9,152. The town is divided into two parts by a major highway, Vermont Route 125. Middlebury is located east of U.S. Route 7. The city has a bridge over Otter Creek, which relieves downtown traffic. In addition to this, it is connected to the city of Burlington by Amtrak. In 2020, a second Ethan Allen Express line will begin serving the city.