North Thetford, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in North thetford City? North Thetford is located in Orange county, in the U.S. state of Vermont. If you're thinking about moving to North Thetford, you might be curious about the numbers. The population of North Thetford is 2,775 at the 2020 census. The town includes villages such as East Thetford, North Thetford, Rices Mills, and Thetford Hill.

The population of North Thetford City, Vermont is divided into two main groups: married couples and non-families. Married couples constituted 59.4% of all households, while non-families made up 29.2%. Senior citizens made up 6.6% of households. The average household size was 2.54 and a family size of 3.00. There were also a small number of single parents living in the community.

The number of non-citizens living in North Thetford City is a third the size of the population in Hanover CDP. Compared to Hanover, the town of North Thetford is the third smallest city in Vermont in the state. However, its high proportion of married couples is not the same as that of the other two areas. For example, the median age of non-citizens is higher in Hanover CDP than in North Thetford City.

When searching for flights from North Thetford, VT, you may want to try looking for flights to nearby cities. You'll find several options in the area. Try searching for towns four hours away or even further. You can also look up cities within 100 miles of North Thetford, VT. For example, you might want to look for flights to Toronto. This will give you the best possible options.