Pawlet, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below is the population and steets for the Town of Pawlet. Pawlet is located in the state of Vermont. You may also be interested in these stats. This information is based on the most recent data available. There are many people who live in Pawlet, including many families. The area around Pawlet is mostly rural, which means that you will find lots of people working in agriculture or raising livestock.

Of the 575 households in Pawlet, 29.4% of people were under the age of 18. Almost half of the households were made up of married couples, and 56.5% of households were headed by a female householder without her husband. Thirty-one percent of households were non-families, and 26.1% were single. About 11.7% of households were headed by an elderly person. The average household size in Pawlet City, VT is 2.42 people.

The number of foreign born residents in Pawlet City, Vermont is just shy of 2,500. It's a small, rural community, which boasts a peaceful lifestyle, and is within driving distance of many Vermont ski resorts and great hiking trails. This is the perfect place for a vacation home or to raise a family. There are many great things to do in Pawlet, and it's worth checking out the statistics. You'll be pleased with the results. If you live in Pawlet, Vermont, be sure to explore the town's many opportunities.

The town's population density is slightly lower than the state and national average. However, this is still much smaller than neighboring towns, including Dorset CDP, which has a population density of 310 people per square mile. Poultney has a population density of 2,329 people per square mile. This means that if you live in Pawlet, you'll have a great view of the city's history.