Ripton, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know more about the area around Ripton City, check out the Population & Steets report. This report will give you some basic statistics, including the population density, and the related information and services. The population figures are based on the output areas of the city, which include unbuilt parts. The tabulated area figures, on the other hand, refer to the built-up areas of the city, and therefore give a more realistic picture of the population density in Ripton City.

The population of Ripton City is made up mostly of white people. The number of senior citizens and young adults is fairly large. The percentage of children under the age of 18 is slightly lower than the national average. The area is home to one or more nursing homes and a university. Despite its size, there are a number of reasons why this city is a good place to raise a family.

In 1858, a man named William Hiller Hughes settled 160 acres near the Stanislaus River and donated railroad rights through the land in 1872. This was the beginning of a busy cattle shipping point. The railroad built a small station and corrals on the property. By the early nineteenth century, the population of Ripton was estimated at 4,000. Today, the city has a population of approximately 600.