South Duxbury, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're thinking of moving to South Duxbury, Massachusetts, here are some things to consider. First, consider the number of households in your target area. South Duxbury has a high share of owner-occupied households, and the average household size is 2.9. Second, think about your own personal preferences. Do you prefer a walkable city or a quiet, suburban neighborhood? Do you value quiet, open spaces, and proximity to nature?

The median property value in South Duxbury is $832,400, and the homeownership rate is at 91.8%. Only 1% of residents live in rental homes, and the rest own their homes. The high cost of rent is a possible factor in this trend, with the average monthly rent for a South Duxbury household approaching $2,250. That's nearly twice as much as the state's average of $1,218.

The population of South Duxbury, MA is estimated to reach 3,629 by 2020. This figure has risen by 8.01% from the 2010 census. Households in South Duxbury are composed of two adults, with an average age of 46. The median household income is $171,324; the median individual income is $72,344; and the average family size is 3.14. The median home price is $6,87268.

The average commute time in South Duxbury is 39 minutes. This is slower than the state average of 31 minutes. Driving is the most common form of transportation for residents of South Duxbury, with 29% opting for a car. 3% choose public transportation. If you're thinking of moving to South Duxbury, consider how to make your move easier and more comfortable. There are several ways to make the transition to the area.