Townshend, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you are looking for information on the population of Townshend City, you might be surprised to learn that it is a very small city. The population of Townshend is approximately 4,880 people. That is a great deal considering that the city is small. If you are wondering about the population of Townshend City, you can read below about its demographics. There are many things to consider when deciding whether or not to move there.

The town has a population of 944 people, with 386 households. The median home value is $194,444, and the average household size is 2.33. Townshend residents have a high school graduation rate of 76.7%. About 35% of townies go to college, but only a few have gotten their degrees. There is also an independent, non-profit critical access hospital and rural health clinic, Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital, located in Townshend.

The Townshend Acts were enacted by the British Parliament in 1767, and taxed goods imported to the colonies. These taxes were widely unpopular and were a catalyst for the Boston Tea Party, in which a group of colonists threw a shipload of tea into Boston Harbor. British troops were sent to enforce these unpopular laws, which stoked further tensions between Great Britain and the American colonies.