West Burke, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you live in West Burke City, Vermont, you're probably wondering what the population and steets are. The statistics below provide some information on West Burke, including its current population and average age. You can also find out how many evictions occurred in the city in the last five years. The numbers above represent a sample of the entire city, and may be a good indication of how the economy is doing.

The population of West Burke is approximately 332 people, with a median household income of $34,545. The poverty rate is also a major indicator for the city, at 1.93%. If you want to know more about the people of West Burke, Vermont, consider reading about its history and current demographics. West Burke is located in Caledonia County. The city is located about eight miles north of Lyndonville.

The median income for residents of West Burke is $39,167, which is below the national average of $65,712 per person. Compared to other Vermont cities, West Burke, VT has an income inequality of 0.444. West Burke's average income is lower than the national average, with males earning 1.19 times as much as females. The average household size in West Burke, VT is 138 people. The largest industries in West Burke are Educational Services, Health Care & Social Assistance, Construction, and Financial & Insurance. These three industries are generally among the highest paying in the city.

In addition to the population statistics, West Burke has a low rate of foreign-born residents. Just under 10% of the city's residents have migrated from outside the country. The median house value in the city is also lower than the state average. One percent of residents are retired, and a smaller percentage of people have an associate's degree or higher. While West Burke has a low rate of foreign-born residents, the unemployment rate and foreign-born population are lower than the state average.