West Dummerston, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are a variety of different demographic statistics about the people living in West Dummerston, Vermont. One of the most important statistics is the average number of people who commute by car, walking, or biking. West Dummerston also has a relatively high percentage of people who are married. The percentage of people who are single is fairly low, at just over 29%. There are many reasons for this, and you can find out more about the city by consulting this information.

West Dummerston is located in Windham County, Vermont. This area is 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (CUT). The population density for this city is approximately 1,865 people per square mile. The area surrounding the town is much lower than that of the nearby Putney CDP, but the area is considerably smaller than the state average. For example, West Brattleboro has a higher population density than West Dummerston.

The population of West Dummerston is around 230 people, which is below the Vermont average of 300,000 people. The city also has a very small middle-income population, which is about 19.9% of the total. There are many other small towns in Vermont with a much lower population, such as Dummerston, but West Dummerston has an especially high percentage of people living in middle-class households.

In West Dummerston, crime is slightly higher than average. West Dummerston has a higher rate of crime than most surrounding cities. Additionally, the city has higher crime rates than the state average and national average. Therefore, if you're thinking about moving to West Dummerston, make sure to check out the Crime Grade for your town. This is a great way to learn more about your new neighborhood before committing any crime.