West Topsham, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There is an easy way to learn more about the Population & Steets in Westtopsham City. First, you can get a snapshot of the city's racial makeup. Each area is shaded based on the percentage of residents who identify as a certain race. Darker shades indicate a greater racial majority. You can also view data on diversity and racial diversity scores in Westtopsham.

After choosing your desired radius, you can select a specific area to view. You can specify a minimum and maximum population level to search within. You can also select major cities within a specified radius. For a more detailed look at population and steets in West Topsham, you can also choose a radius based on distance. You can even specify a radius of at least 34 miles to see population density of cities within a certain radius.

Overall, there are over 6,000 residents in West Topsham, ME. The percentage of retirees is greater than the national average. Most residents own their own homes, with a median home value of $230,400. The average rent in Topsham is $907 per month. Commute time to work is around 22 minutes, and the median time is 18.5 minutes. Most people commute by car. Public transit is rarely used.

The town of West Topsham has four main cemeteries. The Congregational, Baptist, and Roman Catholic churches were the largest religious groups in Topsham. For information on denominations in Vermont, visit the New Hampshire Church Records wiki page. In addition to these, you can view the Town Clerk Vital and Town Records and Topsham Land Records on FamilySearch. There are also two town libraries.