Basye, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Basye is generally middle aged, with a median age of 49. Its median family size is 2.8, with a mix of parents and children. Based on the state and national statistics, the city is the 204th most diverse city in the United States. Below are some statistics that may give you a better idea of the area's demographics. Population & Steets in Basye City

In Basye City, the percentage of non-citizens living below the poverty line varies. However, the median income is the same across all racial and ethnic groups. The lowest percentage is found among the Native American community. The highest income earners in Basye are those in the service industry, followed by white-collar jobs. But no race in the city is above the national median.

The crime rate in Basye City is lower than other Rural areas. Because of this, Basye residents should not be too worried about crime. Education is a major priority for residents in Basye, as the city ranks well in the nation and on a state-level. According to statistics, Basye is above average when it comes to public school enrollment, graduation rates, and student reviews.

The median home value in Basye is $251,250. There are 644 households in the city. The median household size is 2.11. The area is expected to grow by 18.4% by 2020. The population of Basye is predominantly white, with less than one percent black or Asian residents. Its unemployment rate is a modest 1.9 percent. However, despite its low population, there are some disadvantages.