Beaverdam, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are a number of reasons to look at Population & Steets in Beaver Dam City, WI. First, you can see how the city fares in comparison to the other cities of the region. Despite being smaller in population, Beaver Dam is a large suburb of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Its high poverty rate makes it a desirable place to live, as the average income per person is higher than the national average.

The area's population is composed of a mix of people. According to the 2010 census, there were 6,349 households, with a quarter of households consisting of individuals. Another quarter (29.1%) was made up of married couples, while the remaining 35.5% consisted of non-families. The median age in the area was 37 years old, and males outnumbered females 93.2:one to every 100 females.

Among those living in the area, a high percentage of the residents are married, making Beaver Dam a great place for a family. However, if you want to know more about the demographics of single women and couples, it's helpful to look up the average household size in the area. Beaver Dam is the city with the highest percentage of single mothers and households with children. If you're considering relocating to the area, consider all of the benefits and drawbacks.

For those interested in the Beaver Dam area, it's worth noting that this city is located in Dodge County. It has a projected population of 16,553 and is growing at a 0.30% rate. It has a median house value of $141,000, and the average rental cost is $841 per month. The median age of residents is 38.9 years, and the median income is $141,000.