Brodnax, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Here are some facts about Brodnax's population and race. The racial makeup of the city is fairly even compared to other similar cities in the United States. The proportion of people aged twenty-five and under is the highest, followed by people age thirty-nine and older. The overall diversity of the area is fairly even - there are both Native Americans and Hawaiians living in the city.

The median household income in Brodnax, VA is $56,786. The percentage of hispanics in the city is 0.479, which is slightly higher than the national average. The majority of residents are White (non-Hispanic), followed by Black or African American, and Two+. Among the seven races in Brodnax, the largest are White (non-Hispanic) and Two+ (non-Hispanic). One in five people is foreign-born, with the majority of residents being White. Other ethnic groups represented by Brodnax are India, Japan, and Mexico.

Although the city has a relatively low rate of crime, this data does not mean that crime is less common. It's possible to live in a safe neighborhood without having to worry about crime. There are some neighborhoods that have lower crime rates than others, and the overall crime rate in Brodnax City is generally much lower than that of neighboring cities such as Bracey.

The gender ratio of Brodnax residents is also interesting. The male-to-female ratio in Brodnax is 49.2%, while the average for U.S. cities is 58.2%. The gender breakdown in Brodnax city is fairly even across gender lines. However, it is important to note that women are slightly more common than men.