Bumpass, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for some basic demographics about the city of Bumpass, you've come to the right place. We've got the population and steets of Bumpass City, VA. You'll find that this city has a total of 6,351 residents, with 3,190 males and 2,161 females. The median age of the population is 38.1 years, and there are 331 births and 262 deaths every year. The population is divided into two groups, with 6,297 people of one race, and 54 people of two or more races.

The crime rate in Bumpass is 9.71 crimes per 1,000 people. The southwest portion of the city has the highest rate of property crime, with 34 crimes committed each year. The northwest portion of the city has the lowest rate of property crime. While these statistics don't seem intuitive, they do provide an idea of the type of crime that's prevalent in the area. Crime rates in Bumpass can be quite different from the city's overall rate, so it's important to take this into account.

The population of Bumpass is made up of households. Most of them are families, with 7,319 being married-couple households. The other households are nonfamily, with the exception of a few single-family dwellings. Of these, there are 80 single-family attached homes, a number that's fairly consistent. There are also 80 apartment dwellings, ranging from two to fifty units.