Catlett, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This population and steets map is a good starting point for exploring this Virginia city. The map can be used to find cities near Catlett, Virginia or even cities 100 miles away. These numbers may surprise you! You might be surprised to find out that the city is not as populous as it seems! In fact, the number of residents living in Catlett is actually much lower than the average Virginian.

The city of Catlett is a hub for the surrounding agricultural community. Civic land uses include a fire station, a combined fire and rescue station, trash convenience facilities, and churches of all ages. The city has a low crime rate compared to other nearby towns and cities. The city has a population of 1,379,077. The total area of the city is approximately 2,445 square miles.

The area surrounding parks and major airports has low population. While the majority of Catlett residents live near these areas, crime rates may appear higher because these areas are not as populous. But crime happens wherever there is human population. And while parks and airports may not be very crowded, they are not necessarily safe. You can't expect a crime-free city without safety features. So, keep these in mind and try to make your home in Catlett as safe as possible!

The highest paying jobs in Catlett, VA are in the category of total ($42,756). However, there are still no data for evictions in Catlett city, and the town is not home to many homeless people. The majority of evictions are due to failure to pay rent. A large number of evictions can be an indication of a weak economy.