Cobbs Creek, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population - How many people live in Cobbs Creek City, Pennsylvania? You can find out by reading the population statistics for this neighborhood. The city has about 2,000 residents and is located in the Philadelphia area. The Philadelphia metro area contains 158 different neighborhoods. These neighborhoods are all very different from one another, so it's important to know what type of people live in each one. You can also find out how many people commute to work each day in Cobbs Creek.

The area south of Catharine Street and west of 60th Street, as well as the neighborhood north of Baltimore Avenue, was very isolated in 1910. The area is now a public school, and the old Sellers' home at 61st Street and Federal Street is gone. In the early 20th century, the city was becoming more middle-class. The demolished MacMakin mill buildings served as additional housing sites for the area. The last undeveloped land was filled with a row of homes centered around automobiles, which was built along the 6300 block of Baltimore Avenue.

There are many historic properties in Cobbs Creek East, including the renowned St. Carthage Roman Catholic Church. The complex has a large church, a school, and parish residences. The area is located on a hilltop, and features panoramic views of the Atlanta metro area. There are many parks and recreational facilities in the area, including a public swimming pool, playground, and walking trails.