Colonial Heights, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to find out the Population & Steets in Colonial Height City? If so, you are in luck. There is plenty of information available. In this article, you will discover just how big the Colonial Heights City population actually is. Once you know this information, you can plan a road trip to the city and explore the area. Use the map below to find out more. Once you know the demographics of Colonial Heights, you can search for nearby cities.

For example, the federal census from 1960 shows that the population of Colonial Heights was over 10,000. The city is located in Chesterfield County, Virginia, and was incorporated in 1952. The ZIP code for Colonial Heights City is D. The USPS assigns a default name to each ZIP code. Colonial Heights's zip code is D (Default).

Historical Tornado Activity in Colonial Heights is slightly higher than the state average, but is only 10% smaller than the U.S. average. A category F4 tornado struck Colonial Heights on 8/6/1993, at a distance of 4.6 miles, killing four people and injuring 246 others. This tornado caused between $5 million and $50 million in damage. Similarly, a category F3 tornado struck the city on 5/4/1990.

The city has a low unemployment rate, with an unemployment rate of 4.4%. Its population is primarily employed in manufacturing, retail, and government jobs. The city is a strong right-to-work state, and is part of the Richmond Tri-Cities Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The region contains many manufacturing plants and numerous corporate headquarters. Hence, the city is a hub for business.