Crimora, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below is the population and steets for Crimora City, Virginia. Use this information to get to know the local area. You may want to visit nearby towns if you're looking for a place to live. Just use our list below to find cities close to Crimora. You can zoom in or out to get more information. The information on this map is for reference purposes only.

Before making a move, you should know where to live in Crimora. It has a great community, schools, daycares, and homes for sale. The best thing to do is to find out more about the area and decide which neighborhood to move into. In Crimora, VA, there are plenty of resources for figuring out where to live. The local population is friendly and you can enjoy the local scene while you live here.

The city has a total area of 3.1 square miles, or 8.0 km2. The city is entirely landlocked, and has no major bodies of water. Despite the size of the city, the population density is low. In Crimora, residents are overwhelmingly male. The median age is 38 years old. The median income is $34,300 per capita. And with a population of about 4,000, it isn't surprising that Crimora is home to many immigrants.