Doran, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table presents information about the Population & Steets of Doran City, Minnesota. It is the most recent data available. It shows how wealthy or poor a city is compared to other places in Minnesota. The data is based on the 2010 U.S. Census Bureau's rebased population figures, and uses data from census blocks to calculate changes from the previous year. Listed below are some interesting facts about Doran City.

The population of Doran is 677 people, and there are 273 households. The median home value is $92,500. Doran's average household size is 2.71. The population is 95% white, with 0.9% black or African American residents. The following chart shows the seven race distributions in Doran, MN, based on the total population. The highest percentage of residents were born in Mexico (35,166 people), while the lowest percentage of residents are from India and Somalia.

The median income in Doran, MN is $54,688 per year, which is slightly less than the United States' $65,712 median. The highest paying industries in Doran, MN are Health Care & Social Assistance ($26,250) and Total ($34,375).