Earlysville, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be wondering what the population and steets are like in Earlysville City. Here are the details. This population and steets information can be helpful to you when planning a road trip. The following list includes major cities and smaller towns near Earlysville, VA. You can also search for cities that are close to Earlysville and 100 miles away from it. You will be able to find the perfect destination to explore your new surroundings.

The population of Earlysville is comprised of many racial groups. The majority of residents report being White or Native American. Other important ancestries include German, English, Irish, Polish, Scots-Irish, and Italian. English is the most widely spoken language in Earlysville, while Italian, African, and Spanish are also commonly spoken languages. Earlysville has a small business district.

The population of Earlysville is around 4,389 people. There are 2,138 males and 2,251 females. There are 1,057 births and 636 deaths each year in the city. The race distribution in Earlysville varies by age, but the average is about 64% white, 7% black, and 2% Asian. The area has a diverse population, and the age distribution of residents in Earlysville has remained fairly stable.

During the 1800s, Charlottesville, Virginia experienced the greatest economic boom. In the 1890s, the city was a thriving center for real estate. The city was so popular that people from different neighborhoods began using public transportation to get around the city. In addition, the city's population doubled between 1890 and 1920, fueled by a booming real estate market. With the influx of people, the transportation industry expanded as well.