Fairfax Station, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To learn more about the diversity of Fairfax Station, Virginia, visit our Population & Steets page. You can view all the stats for the area, including the total number of households, ages, genders, race, and ethnicity. Our data is based on the most recent available rebased U.S. Census Bureau figures and uses census block data to calculate a household's proportion of those who live in a particular race or ethnicity.

The average Fairfax Station, VA, resident speaks English as their first language, which is common in the U.S. and Virginia. Fairfax Station residents speak English exclusively or very well, with 92.2% of those over the age of five speaking it only. In contrast, the same age group speaks it well enough to understand basic conversations. Despite this, the population of Fairfax Station is quite diverse and contains many residents of every ethnicity.

Most residents of Fairfax Station depend on private cars for transportation. They use Route 123 (Ox Road), Fairfax County Parkway, and other local roads, and some choose to take the Virginia Railway Express. Fairfax Station is home to the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum, which is dedicated to the history of the local railroad. Those interested in railroad history should visit the museum. The museum is free to attend and provides valuable information.

The average Fairfax Station citizen is 46.1 years old. Fairfax Station's Hispanic population is the lowest percentage of people living below the poverty line, with 0.12%. For full-time workers, the poverty rate in Fairfax Station, VA is 0.89%, while the poverty rate is 3.30% for non-workers. The most common age groups of males in Fairfax Station are the 55-64 and over 65 age groups. Lastly, non-citizens include foreign students, temporary workers, and humanitarian migrants.