Goochland, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Goochland City, Virginia has approximately 731 residents. The median age is forty-three, and the population is largely comprised of retirees. Young adults are present in small numbers, but the population is still older than the average for Virginia cities. About 96% of Goochland's residents own their own homes, and the average rent is $1,190 per month.

The population of Goochland is somewhat ethnically diverse, with a mix of racial groups represented. Residents report that their racial origins range from European, Hungarian, and German to Yugoslavian and Hungarian. According to the 2010 census, the population was estimated to reach 200,000 by 2020. Goochland was named after the county courthouse, which was located in the city's heart.

Although eviction rates in Goochland are low compared to other cities in Virginia, they remain high in comparison with neighboring communities. A high percentage of residents in Goochland commute by car, but only 3% of them use public transit. Most commuters drive alone, and 19.8% work from home. However, walking is not common in Goochland. Nonetheless, the number of evictions is a sign of a deteriorating economy.

The median property value in Goochland, VA was $394,800 in 2019, which is nearly two-thirds larger than the national average. Sales positions make up 12% of the workforce in Goochland. Salespeople earn more than $105K a year, more than the national average, and are the most common career choice. Residents in Goochland have a higher than average education level, making them more likely to have a high-paying job.