Hardyville, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning a move to Hardyville City, you should know the population and steets of the town. The population of Hardyville is 335 people, and has increased by 350.0% since the year 2020. The median home value is $101,700, and the appreciation of the home over the past 10 years is 0.8%. If you're moving to Hardyville City, you should know the population and steets of the town and its surrounding communities.

The most common racial or ethnic group living in Hardyville is white. However, the percentage of households that fall below this level is a bit higher. White people make up the highest percentage of households, followed by black and Native Americans. The most common racial group, however, is American. In Hardyville, KY, the highest-income group is White, with 0.7% of households falling into the other three groups.

The median age of Hardyville, KY residents is 26.2 years, which is younger than the national average. In addition, there were 0 people who commuted more than 30 minutes to work, and most people drove alone to get to work. Hardyville's average car ownership was five per household. The city has 362 residents and 0% were born outside the country. While there are many schools in Hardyville, only a few are public, but it's still a decent place to call home.

After the silver price fell, the Hardyville mill was no longer profitable. The town's economy depended on the mill, which closed in 1870. As mining in the area became profitable, the population of Hardyville grew dramatically. The town built a general store, blacksmith shop, billiard hall, and a public hall. And while it is not a big city, Hardyville's historic importance cannot be underestimated.