Hartwood, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Hartwood City is estimated to be around 50 people. Many people commute by car, bus, elevated train, or walking. A map of the city's population can be found here. In addition, the area's elevation is estimated from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey, which is updated annually. Please note that the data on this page is not guaranteed to be accurate.

The violent crime rate in Hartwood is 0.62 crimes per thousand residents in a standard year. This means that people in the northeast part of Hartwood are considered safer than those in the southeast. According to the state's crime map, a violent crime rate of one in every 1.2 million people occurs in the southeast part of the city, whereas a violent crime rate of 1 in 2,317 is reported in the northeast part of the city. It's not as intuitive as it seems, however, if one compares the violent crime rate in Hartwood to the rest of the city.

As you can see, Hartwood has a high cost of living. The area is not cheap, but it's definitely affordable. Its average property value is $137 per square foot, which is less than many of the expensive cities in the area. However, residents can still enjoy the benefits of living in the area. Having a higher salary and better living conditions makes the area desirable. You'll be happy to know that Hartwood is located near Dulles International Airport, and it has plenty of green space.