Horntown, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a quick overview of the Population & Steets in Hornmouth City, Ohio. While the data is not official, it should give you a general idea of the size of the city. The population of Horntown is 97, compared to 61 in the 2000 census. The town has three business establishments: a convenience store and restaurant, a gas station, and a tire store. The city's police department is located in a small complex. There is also one church in the city, Banner Baptist Church.

In Horntown, VA, the population was 524 in the 2010 census. The median home value was $118,200. The homeownership rate was 100%, which is above the national average of 63.4 percent. There are also several different ethnic groups in the city. The average person in Horntown reports being either Black or African-American, or White. Their ancestry includes Northern European, Yugoslavian, Other West Indian, and U.S. Virgin Islander. The average age of residents is 46.5, with males reporting being 69.8 years and females reporting 43.8 years.

The median household income in Horntown is $57,828. There are only 14 households with a median income of over $50,000. The poverty rate is 0.00 percent for full-time workers, whereas NaN% for part-time workers. The percentage of households that use public transportation to get to work is 0%. For both genders, the oldest people are Over 65, while the youngest people are 18 and under.