Ivor, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering moving to Ivor City, Virginia, you may want to learn more about the local population. The population in Ivor is four hundred and sixty seven people. You will find that the median property value is $163,100. The homeownership rate is 66.5%, and most people commute by car. The average commute time was 34.3 minutes, and two out of every five people owned a car. As of the 2010 census, there were 467 people living in Ivor, VA. A majority of residents are citizens, but 0.214% are foreign born.

In 2011, the US census recorded that sixty-one percent of the population in Ivor City was white. This is the same percentage as in the 2010 census. In addition to whites, there were 12 percent of African Americans and 0.7% of American Indians. A further 17.8% of the city's population was Hispanic or Latino. Two percent were unknown or unreported. The Census also collected information about race, which is helpful for understanding the ethnicity of the people in a city.

The median income in Ivor City is $41,000. The median household income is $40,765. The average household income is $50,072. This information can be useful in evaluating the targeted audience for local advertising. In addition to race, the median household income in Ivor, VA is forty-seven thousand dollars. As for education, the median high school graduate rate is sixty-eight percent, while fifty-one percent of residents attended college.