Jewell Ridge, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to target a local audience for your business, it's important to understand how the population in Jewell Ridge is broken down by gender. For example, in Jewell Ridge, VA, 51.8% of the population are men, and 48.2% are women. However, the average gender breakdown in Virginia is 49.2% to 50.8%, so the population in Jewell Ridge may be more representative of the surrounding area.

The population of Jewell Ridge is comprised of approximately 1,310 residents of different races. Only 1.0% of the population is black, and a mere 0.0% of residents are Hispanic or Latino. In terms of racial diversity, there are 0.0% of residents who identify as Asian or Pacific Islander, and 2.8% are American Indians or Alaska Natives. The remaining 99.0% are of other races, or are of more than one race.

There is only one major airport and one local park in Jewell Ridge. There are few residential areas in this city near these locations. However, crime is still a problem regardless of where people congregate. While crime in Jewell Ridge is slightly above average, it is not necessarily dangerous in any way. There are very few retail establishments, so the red area on the crime map may not be a cause for concern for Jewell Ridge residents.