Keokee, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Demographics of Keokee City, Virginia are summarized below. The population is mostly white. There are very few minorities, and a high percentage of adults in their late 20s to early 40s live in the city. In addition, the percentage of families with children under 18 is less than average, making it more difficult to determine if a family is truly in poverty.

The Keokee, VA median property value was $41,100 in 2019, which is 0.171 times smaller than the national average. The median home value increased from $29,300 in 2016 to $41,100 in 2019. The homeownership rate was 66.9%, which is above average for a small town. The median commute time was 25.5 minutes, and 0% of residents were foreign-born.

The highest paying jobs in Keokee, VA are in Total ($53,542). The employment rate increased by 68.4% from the previous year, making Keokee, VA the second highest paying city in the state. Its most common employment sectors include Mining, Quarrying, Oil & Gas Extraction, and Retail Trade. Listed below are the top three industries in Keokee, VA.