Midlothian, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets of Midlothian City? If so, you should know that the city has approximately one-quarter of the total population of Texas. For more information, check out this article. Here you'll find information about the city's population, including demographic statistics, local government, and schools. Once you know the demographics, you'll be able to find out what it's like to live in Midlothian.

The median property value in Midlothian, Texas, was $228,000 in 2019. This is 0.948 times lower than the national average. Homeownership is 80.6%, and the population of this city is older than the national average. The average commute time is about thirty minutes, and people in Midlothian drive alone to work. The median number of cars per household is two. That means that the population of Midlothian is quite affordable and has high appreciation rates.

Amidlothian is a family-friendly community. Residents enjoy outdoor recreational activities and many events throughout the year. The city's community park contains 13 playgrounds, lighted soccer and football competition fields, and restrooms. There are also several walking paths, dog parks, and historic sites. In addition to its 14 parks, Midlothian recently broke ground on the final phase of its 105-acre Community Park. The park features miles of trails, an amphitheater, and splash pad.

The population of Midlothian is diverse, with several industries operating in the city. The two largest businesses in the area are cattle and cotton farming. The cement industry transformed the city. The Austin Chalk Escarpment runs through the city, making it an ideal location for quarrying cement. TXI cement plant is nearby. The city's water and air quality are also well-respected.