Phenix, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Phenix City? The population of Phenix City is 36,639 people, with a median household income of $36,698. Poverty is also at a 9.2% rate. The median age is 33.1 years, with males outnumbering females 87.7 to 1. To help you better understand the city's economic situation, here are some useful statistics.

The city is part of Lee County, but was separated into two counties in 1932. The city's Lee County portion was moved into Russell County, and the rural portion of Marvyn, which was part of Lee County, was given to Russell County. This split was attributed to the establishment of Auburn University. Since Phenix City is near Georgia, residents can enjoy year-round entertainment.

Phenix City is located on the eastern border of Alabama, about 36 miles southeast of Columbus, Georgia. It is a suburb of Columbus and observes Eastern Time. The city has a mayor-commission form of government, with commissioners serving four-year terms. Once known for crime, Phenix City has evolved into one of the largest metropolitan areas in Russell County. Famous Olympian Harvey Glance was born in Phenix City, Alabama.