Pilot, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are curious about the population of Pilot Point, TX, you may be interested to learn how many people live below the poverty line. This city is home to a small number of people who work at home. The majority of the people living in poverty are White, followed by Hispanics and Blacks. The most common forms of transportation used by Pilot Point residents include driving alone, carpooling, and riding a bicycle. Below is a chart that shows the number of households that use each method of transportation. The chart is made up of a logarithmic scale to help illustrate the variations in smaller forms of transportation.

The indicators are most meaningful when localities develop them in their own contexts and compare them over time. Locally-specific data can also be used to identify areas that perform better than others, as well as to set achievable goals. Listed below are some examples of indicators that Pilot Point residents use to measure their lives. Population and Steets in Pilot City

The median annual income of Pilot Point, TX residents is $60,158. This is less than the national average of $65,712 for women and $53,706 for men. This area also has a higher percentage of military veterans than the national average, with approximately one in four people having served in the military in the past decade. The median annual income of Pilot Point is less than the national average of $65,712 for a single-person household.