Sedley, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to move to Sedley City or just want to know more about the area, you may want to learn more about the Population & Steets in Sesley City, VA. This city is located in Virginia and is home to a number of interesting historical events. It is a great place to start a road trip, explore the area, or simply relax and enjoy your new surroundings.

The crime rate in Sedley is much lower than in surrounding areas. Residents are less likely to become victims of crime than in neighborhoods with few people. The city has a crime rate of 4.07% for full-time workers and 0.00% for non-workers. However, the crime rate in Sedley is higher for those who do not work, such as illegal immigrants and international students.

The US Postal Service uses a default name for this city. As of 2010, the population of Sedley City was estimated at 4,5,692 people. However, that number could change before the 2020 Census. The current population of this city is approximately 4,378 people, which is just a small part of the city. Using the Postal Service's default name, residents of Sedley can still find their home address. The zip code in Sedley City, VA is 23878.