Union Hall, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The median property value in Union Hall, VA is $545,000, which is more than twice the national average. In the last year, the median property value in Union Hall has increased by 16.5% from $467,900 to $545,000, and it is more than double the national average of $45,712. The median household income in Union Hall is $81,181, which is the same as the national average, and is nearly three times higher than the Virginia state and national average. Approximately 92.5% of Union Hall, VA residents are homeowners. The median household income in Union Hall, VA is $100,278.

As of 2019 data, the median age of the population in Union Hall, VA was 62.8 years old. This number includes both native-born residents and foreign-born citizens. As of the most recent census, the highest percentage of people in Union Hall, VA were born in the United States, with the highest share being from Vietnam. While the median age is higher than the national average, it still falls below the national average.