Anacortes, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population of Anacortes City, Washington, you can start by looking at its stats. The town has 467 households, which has a median age of 52.8. The breakdown of ages is as follows: 18.8% of households were headed by a single parent, 19.1% were married couples, and 4.3% were headed by a single male. Another 17.1% of households were headed by a single female. The rest were headed by two people. The average family size was two, with a male householder being over sixty-five and a female being under eighteen.

After the war, the city's economy went into overdrive. The town's woods mill was reopened in July 1933 after three years of poor market conditions. The community felt that it was doing their share to help the war effort. However, many residents remained in Anacortes because of their willingness to work for lower wages. It is important to remember that the town's economy depended on its diverse population.

In addition to its historic Samish community, Anacortes is home to the Samish Indian Nation's headquarters. The Samish Indian Nation owns a large piece of land around the city, including the famous Fidalgo Bay Resort, which hosts the annual Canoe Journey, and the Samish Longhouse, a child care and preschool center. There are also proposed commercial and residential developments on Highway 20 and a two-acre housing development on 34th Street. In addition to that, three seafood processing facilities are located in Anacortes, and fishing vessels still make the annual pilgrimage to the cold waters of the north Pacific.