Bainbridge Is, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering how many people live in Bainbridge Island, you can find some information on the city in our Population & Steets in Baingbridge Is City page. The City of Bainbridge is on the Flint River. The Flint flows southwest into the Chattahoochee and Apalachicola Rivers. These two rivers flow into the Gulf of Mexico. The Jim Woodruff Dam forms Lake Seminole, which allows barge traffic to travel between the inland port of Bainbridge and the Gulf of Mexico.

Although the majority of the population resides on Bainbridge Island, there is a significant percentage of people who commute by private car. However, a significant portion of residents use public transportation. Ferryboats are an excellent option for transportation on the island, which also reduces traffic and air pollution. It's hard to believe that Bainbridge is 30 minutes by ferry from downtown Seattle.

The median age of residents of Bainbridge Island is 50.3. This figure includes both native-born residents and foreign-born residents. The average age of Bainbridge Island, WA residents was 49. The majority of foreign-born residents of Bainbridge Island were born in India, China, or Mexico. In other words, Bainbridge Island, WA is a rural community with plenty of activities to enjoy.

The City of Bainbridge Island's budget depends largely on property taxes and real estate sales. Although it was a risky move, Kordonowy still thinks annexation was the right decision. He cites the city's responsiveness, for example, when soccer players demanded money to fix a park district field. The decision was ultimately the difference between annexation and refusal.