Belfair, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A neighborhood's quality of life can be determined by the population and steets. In Belfair City, 76% of households are owner-occupied. The average household size is 2.6 people. While quality of life is a subjective concept, some people prefer living in a walkable city while others appreciate the serenity of an open field. Still others enjoy a commute to work, school, or the mall.

The following map shows the racial makeup of Belfair City. The colors represent self-identified racial minorities. As a rule, darker shades represent a greater racial majority. Diversity is characterized by a mix of races living close to one another. An area in red is less diverse than a green area. A diversity map is an important tool for determining racial diversity, as it shows how many different races are present in the area.

The USPS uses the default name for cities. Belfair is located in Mason, Washington. It has a population of 11,294 people, up 0.7% since 2010. The median home value in Belfair is $383,800, and the growth rate for the last ten years is 10.8%. There are many museums and attractions in Belfair, and the city is growing at a steady pace. If you're interested in learning more about this city, make sure to visit the Belfair Museum page.

Another important demographic to consider is the poverty rate. While Belfair is not the poorest city in Washington, there are people who live in poverty. As a result, the poverty rate in Belfair is higher than the national average of thirty-one percent. The city also has a higher median household income than the average US population. A low income level does not mean that your target audience will be able to afford your products.