Burley, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Burly City are important statistics for any community. This Idaho city is situated at an elevation of 4,163 feet above sea level, southwest of Heyburn. Burley is the center of an agricultural area along the Snake River plain. The photo above was taken by Quasipalm and is in the public domain. There are many things to know about Burley before you make your decision to relocate.

The Burley area is home to many different industries. One such company, now known as McCain's, processes French fries and hash browns. Other companies located in Burley include Boise Cascade Corp, which manufactures cardboard boxes and other materials. A map of Burley can be found below. The map also includes information on local schools. The Burley Area has a population of 1,135,503 people.

The median household income in Burley, ID is $27,981 per year. The median income for males was $26,865 while the median income for females was $17,304. The per capita income in Burley is $12,689. In 2019, 15.2% of the Burley area population lived below the poverty line. This number is higher than the national average of 12.3%. The largest demographic of people living below the poverty line is females.

According to the Census Bureau, there are 6.7k residents in Burley. A third of the city's residents are Hispanic. A few residents are White (non-Hispanic) and the other one is Hispanic. The median age is 30.8 years. One third of all households are non-family households. Another third are single person households. The city has a 12.8% senior citizen population.