Cosmopolis, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for population and steets information for the Cosmopolis City area, you've come to the right place. The following article will show you how to find these statistics. In addition to official city government agencies, you can find many quasi-governmental organizations in the Cosmopolis area. These organizations may include the visitor bureau, chamber of commerce, or economic development council. Each one has its own unique goals and responsibilities.

As of the 2010 census, the city's population was 41.5 percent female and 49.3% male. It was also home to a large proportion of children, with 22.6% of residents under the age of 18. Those aged 18-24 comprised 7.5% of the city's population. Those aged 45-64 represented 27.5% of the population, while 14.9% were over 65. In Cosmopolis, males outnumbered females 96.9% to 1.

In addition to the overall population, crime and poverty rates are also important economic indicators. The median household income in Cosmopolis is $58,304. This means that there is a relatively higher percentage of the population living below the median income. However, there are also some areas where crime is more common. For instance, parks and recreational areas often have high crime rates. For these reasons, crime is more likely to occur near these areas.

The rent burden shows how much of a household's income is spent on rental housing. This metric is useful for estimating the affordability of housing in Cosmopolis, as it compares to the 30.0% rent burden for neighboring cities. And the city has an average rent of $988 a month. It's not too expensive to live in Cosmopolis, but it is not cheap to rent a place here.