Elmer City, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To get an idea of the population of Elmer City, you can use our population and steets data. We report Elmer City's population in raw head counts and density per square mile. You can also see Elmer City's political affiliation. If you live in Elmer City, you may be interested in knowing more about local political parties. In Elmer City, voters are mainly republican, although the younger generation tends to vote democrat. The median age in Elmer City is 40.4, which is older than the median age in the U.S., 38.1. During federal elections, races in Elmer City are close, with the winner coming in under five percentage points 29% of the time.

The median home price in Elmer City is $136,400, and the cost of living is well below the national average. The median home price in Elmer City is $136,400. Home appreciation in Elmer City has averaged 12.2% over the past 10 years. For these reasons, living in Elmer City is an excellent choice. If you want to live in Elmer City, you should consider a few other factors before buying a home.

The median property value in Elmer City, WA is $109,800, which is 0.457 times smaller than the national average. Between 2018 and 2019, the median home value increased by 5.78%. The homeownership rate in Elmer City, WA is 78.8%, higher than the national average. Elmer City is the home of 28% of the population. For those looking to live in Elmer City, WA, it is important to consider its demographics and local community before buying a home.