Entiat, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Population & Steets of Entiat City, Washington? This city is located in Washington and has a population of 1,287. The city is situated at an altitude of 5,911 feet above sea level. The median age of people living in Entiat is 44.7, compared to the national average of 37.4. The median household size is 2.5, compared to the US average of 2.6.

The ZIP code for Entiat is 98822. The zip code belongs to Chelan County, Washington, USA. The area code is 509 and the population is classified as Lower Middle Class. The unemployment rate in this zip code is higher than the state and county averages of 3.5% and 5.1%, as well as the national average of 3.5%. For more information on the zip code for Entiat, Washington, visit the Entiat - Museum page.

In 1913, Entiat was destroyed by fire. After the fire, the town was rebuilt, this time near the railroad tracks that were built in 1914. The new townsite had a main street of approximately three blocks and sidewalks. Other notable buildings were a bank, hardware store, barber shop, lumber yard, and a meat market. Entiat was also home to two taverns.