Fircrest, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in FiRcrest City? The population of Fircrest was 6,497 as of the 2010 census. It ranks 60th out of 522 areas in Washington. The city was officially incorporated on September 19, 1925. It is a wealthy suburb of Tacoma, Washington. It was named after the radio personality Edward Bowes, who created the famous "Major Bowes Amateur Hour."

As of 2010, Fircrest, WA had a population of 6.8k, making it the second most populated city in Pierce County. About 97 percent of the population of Fircrest, WA is U.S. citizens. Its median property value was $343,600. Its homeownership rate was 63.5%. Most Fircrest residents commuted alone to work. The average commute time was 24.6 minutes, and the average household owned two cars.

In Fircrest, WA, there are many ways to commute to work. The population is divided into two buckets based on the number of cars owned. One bucket includes households with one car and the other is for people without a car. There are also many public transit systems in Fircrest, WA. The bus system is the most common form of public transportation. The bus is the second-most-commuted mode, followed by foot.

The median age was 41.2 years. The majority of households were made up of married couples, with 53.4% of households having children under the age of 18. The rest of the population consisted of people between 25 and 64, and 13.3% of people were 65 years or older. In Fircrest City, there were males and females of all ages. While women outnumbered men, females outnumbered males.