Friday Harbor, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you are searching for a new home in Friday Harbor City, Washington, you will want to look at the population and steets of the city. You might be surprised to know that the city has some of the lowest home prices in the state! The price of a home in Friday Harbor does not include the land that is necessary to build it. It can cost anywhere from $50,000 to $150,000 for a single-family home.

The median age of all residents in Friday Harbor City is 40.6 years old. The local population consists of both native-born and foreign-born residents. In 2019, more than 94% of the civilian population of the city was American-born, and only 6.7% was foreign-born. The highest percentage of foreign-born residents, however, were from Mexico, China, and India. While this might not be a huge percentage, it is still a large percentage, and it is important to note that many people are not native-born.

The population of San Juan County is mostly comprised of single-family homes and small apartments, but there are also mobile homes that are not part of the city's housing stock. Friday Harbor does not have many high-density housing units, as San Juan County does. There are, however, 74 structures that are three to four units and five to nine units. However, there are no structures that have twenty units or more.