Grays River, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be wondering if there's a population and steets for Grays River City. This city is located in Grays River County, WA. The Census data is tagged to a residential address. Here's a look at the demographics of Grays River City. You'll find out how many people live in the city, where the highest paid jobs are, and where the lowest paying jobs are.

The population of Grays River is only 269 people. The median age is 64. Ten percent of the population is married, 18% are single mothers and twenty-five percent are single men. Fifty-seven percent are single adults. The median income is $31,875 per family. A low percentage of people is considered below the poverty line if the median income is less than this amount.

The climate in Grays River is a subtropical Mediterranean climate. The average temperature is 50.2 degrees Fahrenheit (10.1 degrees Celsius). The warmest month is August, with a mean temperature of 61.6°F. The coldest month is January, with an average temperature of four-tenths of a degree less. If you're moving to Grays River, it's best to contact a real estate agent. If you're not sure whether the neighborhood is right for you, try checking the eviction rate.

The median age of the population of Grays River is 55.5 years. This is lower than the national average of 55.5 years. While Grays River is a great community to live in, it's important to keep in mind that the median income in Grays River is much lower than the national average. This information is important because it will determine the income of residents in the area. This means that people in Grays River are more likely to be middle class or poor.